Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weekly Minutes (12-11-2013)


Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2013
I.      Call to order

Kenneth Amici called to order the regular meeting of the LightSeeker2000 at 2:00pm on December 11, 2013 at Mechanical Engineering Lab.
II.      Roll call

Andre D’Entremont conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Nausherwan Kahn, Kenneth Amici, and Andre D’Entremont
III.      Approval of minutes from last meeting

Andre D’Entremont read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV.      Open issues

a)      Using an H Bridge to turn the motor on and off
V.      New business

a)      Andre D’Entremont took the H Bridge home with him and used his Arduino set to setup the configuration of an H Bridge and a DC Motor. He was not able to get the H Bridge to properly control the DC Motor using the tutorial from (as recommended by Professor Sullivan).
b)      Some of the wheels have been printed out
c)      The final robot will be finished by the deadline. The code is done but we cannot get the motor to turn on and off without having it directly connected to the breadboard (which cannot be done due to power restrictions). Not all the parts are going to be printed but enough to show the setup that would be used for the complete robot.
VI.      Adjournment

Kenneth Amici adjourned the meeting at 3:00pm.
Minutes submitted by:  Andre D’Entremont
Minutes approved by:  Kenneth Amici


The two left wheels are the drive wheels (the wheels that will connect with the DC Motors). The other four are part of the total twelve wheels that connect to the track and are used to give shape and motion to the tank.

This is the links of the track connected to the wheel. Ultimately there will be seven sets of wheels (fourteen total, twelve support wheels and two drive wheels). This would provide motion to the robot. The code is set to turn the robot by determining which side has more light and rotate in that direction. When the photo sensors are within the threshold set in the code, the robot will continue forward motion. The tracks will be coated with a form of adhesive material and ensure traction over all surfaces.

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