Project LightSeeker2000
We plan to create a Photo Sensitive robot who will be able to detect and drive to light sources. We also intend to give this robot the ability to maneuver through obstacles with tracks and make the tracks large enough to encompass the body and therefore allowing it to be flipped yet still able to move.
This is the idea we're going emulate
We remembered this car when we were younger and this is what we are going to amp this concept up with tracks instead of wheels.
Currently, we are having a hard time figuring the code out, but this is what we have so far:
const int power = 13; //LED Indicator to ensure power
const int RightMotor = 3;
const int LeftMotor = 5;
const int RightSensor = A0;
const int LeftSensor = A1;
// Variables for void loop
int SensorLeft;
int SensorRight;
int SensorDifference;
int SensorLeft;
int SensorRight;
int SensorDifference;
void setup()
//Read values
pinMode(LeftSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(RightSensor, INPUT);
//Pull-up Resistors
digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
//Serial Connection
//First Readings
Serial.println("\nReading Light Sensors.");
//Power LED
digitalWrite(power, HIGH);
//Read values
pinMode(LeftSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(RightSensor, INPUT);
//Pull-up Resistors
digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
//Serial Connection
//First Readings
Serial.println("\nReading Light Sensors.");
//Power LED
digitalWrite(power, HIGH);
void loop()
//Reads and saves value to interger
SensorLeft = analogRead(LeftSensor);
SensorRight = analogRead(RightSensor);
// Difference of Sensors
SensorDifference = abs(SensorLeft-SensorRight);
//Sensor Readings for debugging
//Left Photo Sensor
Serial.print("Left Sensor = "); //Title
Serial.print(SensorLeft); //Value
Serial.print("\t"); //This is for a tab space
//Right Photo Sensor
Serial.print("Right Sensor = "); //Title
Serial.print(SensorRight); //Value
Serial.print("\t"); //This is for a tab space
//Motion of LightSeeker2000
if (SensorLeft > SensorRight && SensorDifference > 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, LOW);
if (SensorRight > SensorLeft && SensorDifference > 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, LOW);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);
else if (SensorDifference < 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);
//Reads and saves value to interger
SensorLeft = analogRead(LeftSensor);
SensorRight = analogRead(RightSensor);
// Difference of Sensors
SensorDifference = abs(SensorLeft-SensorRight);
//Sensor Readings for debugging
//Left Photo Sensor
Serial.print("Left Sensor = "); //Title
Serial.print(SensorLeft); //Value
Serial.print("\t"); //This is for a tab space
//Right Photo Sensor
Serial.print("Right Sensor = "); //Title
Serial.print(SensorRight); //Value
Serial.print("\t"); //This is for a tab space
//Motion of LightSeeker2000
if (SensorLeft > SensorRight && SensorDifference > 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, LOW);
if (SensorRight > SensorLeft && SensorDifference > 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, LOW);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);
else if (SensorDifference < 75)
digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);
We tried to set this up with just one photosensor and one DC motor to see if the motor would spin, but this did not work. We looked at the com port and saw the photosensor measurements, and the command should be to turn left (the left motor should be off while the right motor is running) yet the motor would not run. We will continue to troubleshoot.
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